Intelligent workspace to
boost productivity.
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One place to manage your knowledge and eliminate context-switching. Search, automate, and get answers to your work.

Organized, centralized, simplified.

Powered by GPT-4. Tailored for your workspace.

Large language models integrated into your workspace to directly utilize your knowledge.

Customizable, modular widgets for your workspace

Build and configure your own dashboard based on your workflows

Get insights and answers to your organizationScreenshot of chat with assistant
Intelligent Search

Leverage intelligent search across all of your knowledge and workflows to provide the most relevant results.


Choose Your Plan



  • 20,000 monthly tokens
  • 25 lifetime documents
  • 100 lifetime tasks
  • 100 lifetime events




  • Unlimited tokens
  • Unlimited documents
  • Unlimited tasks
  • Unlimited events
  • Priority support

All your essential workflows in one place, tied together seamlessly

Stack Spaces - Intelligent central workspace to boost your productivity | Product Hunt Stack Spaces | AI Tools